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August 31 2023

Exciting New Pill of Knowledge Videos on Pregnancy and Lymphedema

Exciting New Pill of Knowledge Videos on Pregnancy and Lymphedema

We are thrilled to announce the release of three new Pill of Knowledge videos designed to provide you with essential information about pregnancy and lymphedema. These videos are part of the Pediatric and Primary Lymphedema Working Group’s pregnancy series.

Pill of Knowledge (PoK) videos are short single video lessons (of approximately 3-5 minutes in length) in which an expert speaks on a specific topic selected and validated by the Rare Disease Working Groups (RDWGs).

These new PoKs are presented by Dr. Michael Oberlin, Specialist in Internal Medicine Wound Management / Lymphology, University Medical Center Freiburg and Földi Clinic, Merzhausen, Germany and Elena Matta, European Patient Advocacy Group (ePAG) Patient Advocate for PPL, Lymphido O.D.V., Italy, as they answer common questions from patients about family planning, pregnancy and childbirth with primary lymphedema.

These PoKs are in German with English subtitles. More subtitles will be added soon.

The full questions and answers from these videos are available in different languages. Please click on the links below:


Here is a list of the new PoK videos that are available


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