
Vascular Anomalies (VASCA-WG)

Clinical Expert Consensus Statements

The Vascular Anomalies Working Group (VASCA-WG) have developed consensus statements drawing from the latest research and clinical data to provide evidence-based recommendations for the diagnosis, treatment and management of these diseases.

The VASCA-WG is currently working on creating other expert consensus statement documents on various rare vascular anomalies.

Results (5)

VASCERN-VASCA Consensus Statement: Sirolimus and Fertility
December 20 2023

This document is based on the statement elaborated by ASPHO SIG (The American Society of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Special Interest Group) and CaNVAS (Consortium of iNvestigators of Vascular AnomalieS), USA in December 2023, and further revised by the VASCERN (European Reference Network for Multisystemic Rare Vascular Diseases) VASCA (Vascular Anomalies) working group.

VASCERN Suonipoikkeavuuksien (VASCA) työryhmä – Tietoa koronaviruksesta (COVID-19) potilaille, joilla on vaikea suonipoikkeavuus
March 29 2023

Information COVID-19 pour les patients porteurs d’ Anomalies Vasculaires et/ou Lymphatiques
March 29 2023

VASCERN Vascular Anomalies (VASCA) Working Group – Statement concerning SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination for Patients with Vascular Malformations
January 15 2021

VASCERN Vascular Anomalies (VASCA) Working Group COVID-19 Statement (March 20, 2020)
March 20 2020

Initiated by the patient advocacy groups in Europe and the United States and their medical advisory teams and approved by the VASCA WG.

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