We are pleased to announce that VASCERN DAYS 2022 will take place from 6 to 7th of October 2022 in Paris, France.
The VASCERN DAYS is an annual seminar of the network. This year, we will host 150 participants over this 2-day event including healthcare professionals from our Healthcare Provider (HCP) Full Members and Affiliated Partners, patient advocates from the VASCERN ePAG and various stakeholders representing DG SANTE (European Commission), FAVA-Multi (The French Network for Rare Vascular Diseases), EURORDIS, members of our VASCERN Registries Project team, EJP-RD, Fondation AP-HP, AP-HP Bichat Hospital , Orphanet and more!
This event is only for VASCERN Full Members, Affiliated Partners and Patient Advocates.
Don’t miss live tweets throughout the event on Twitter: #VASCERNDays2022