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May 15 2019

VASCERN eHealth services project proposal selected for CEF EU co-funding

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We are happy to annonce that VASCERN eHealth services project proposal was selected for the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) EU co-funding, following the call for proposals (2018 CEF Telecom Call – eHealth (CEF-TC-2018-4)) in 2018.

will allow us to receive a maximum EU contribution of 210 000€ (a co-funding of
75% of the total budget). 

This EU project involves two of our Healthcare Providers Members: it is coordinated by the ERN Coordinating HCP (AP-HP Hospital Bichat) and our HCP Member Radboud UMC is also invovled (represented by Prof. Leo Schultze Kool).

This project will help assure the continuity of our IT and Clinical Patient Management System (CPMS) operational helpdesk as well as the implementation of new VASCERN projects with regard to rare diseases datasets / databases and eLearning tools.

The grant agreement is currently in the preparation phase with INEA, the
Innovation and Networks Executive Agency.

For more information on the 2018 CEF Telecom Call – eHealth (CEF-TC-2018-4), click here

List of projects selected for co-funding can be seen here

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