Our Vascular Anomalies Working Group (VASCA WG) had its winter meeting in Brussels on the 12th and 13th of February, 2024. The main focus of the meeting was to make progress on current projects, to plan for the future and to strengthen the teamwork within the group.
The agenda for the meeting was robust, with considerable time devoted to the various topics. Prof. Leo Schultze Kool, the lead for the VASCA WG Registry, provided an update on the registry’s current status and future plans. The group is pleased to have secured funding from the European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases (EJP RD) for the NAtuRal histoRy And qualiTy of life In Vascular anomaliEs (NARRATIVE) project, which aims to understand the impact of vascular anomalies on patients’ lives. Dr. Eulalia Baselga led a session on this project, detailing the critical steps required to effectively launch the project.
The afternoon sessions highlighted the work of the Task Forces, showcasing the collaborative spirit of the VASCA WG. Lead liaisons from various task forces reported on progress in areas ranging from genetics to clinical trials, and outlined plans for future progress. There was a strong focus on completing the patient pathway for arteriovenous malformations, demonstrating the group’s commitment to improving patient care.

The following day, the group focused on sharing progress on clinical guidelines, clinical trials and hematology task forces. The ‘Dos and Don’ts’ sessions were particularly valuable, discussing guidelines for the management of different types of vascular anomalies to ensure that healthcare professionals are equipped with the most up-to-date knowledge
The meeting also laid the groundwork for upcoming VASCA WG activities, including participation in the ISSVA Congress. Discussions on the VASCA ePAG initiatives, in particular the launch of the VASCA Magazine, highlighted the group’s commitment to engaging with and informing the patient community and the wider public.
The VASCA WG meeting in Brussels was all about collaboration and improving the understanding, treatment and care of vascular anomalies. The group addressed critical issues, made plans for the future and demonstrated its commitment to improving care and research.