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December 12 2022

Meeting in Oporto Portugal

2022_11_19_meeting in Porto _ Portugal_ SPACV Manuela

The Vascular Congenital Anomalies and Pediatric Vascular Surgery Working Group of the Portuguese Society of Angiology and Vascular Surgery held their biannual meeting on the 19th of November in Oporto, Portugal.

Prof Mikka Vikkula, Chair, VASCERN Vascular Anomalies Working Group (VASCA WG), and Manuela Lourenço Marques, ePAG Deputy Co-Chair, VASCERN Pediatric and Primary Lymphedema Working Group (PPL WG) attended this meeting. Prof Mikka Vikkula gave a presentation about Vascular Anomalies and Genetics, and Manuela Lourenço Marques spoke about Patients Organizations and Networks.

The work of VASCERN was shared through both presentations, with an emphasis on the VASCA and PPL WGs. We are grateful to our members for promoting VASCERN at important meetings like these.

You can find the full programme here

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