VASCERN Mobile App
As part of our multiannual action plan, the VASCERN eHealth Working Group has developed a free Mobile Application in order to enable patients with rare vascular disease to find and easily access the most competent Healthcare Providers (HCPs) as well as Patient Organisations in Europe.
The app is now available on both IOS and Android!
Download the VASCERN App for Android at the Google Store here
Download the VASCERN App for IOS on the Apple Store here

- The VASCERN App was officially launched in January 2019 and is available in the Google Play and Apple Store.
- This was the first version of the VASCERN App and it was only available in English.
- Since then, many improvements have been made and an updated version of the VASCERN mobile app (version 2.0) has been launched in August 2020.
- In this second version, new features have been added:
- The inclusion of our 7 new Affiliated Partner Centers.
- The translation of the app’s structure and disease names into various EU languages so that the mobile app will launch in the user’s device language for easier navigation and searching (please note that the content of each HCP card/PO contact card is still in English so that this information is accessible to all).
- The inclusion of Referral Centers (Ref HCPs): centers that cooperate with the VASCERN European Reference Centers (ERN Full Members and Affiliated Partners) as part of the national networks and that can provide expert care to patients for rare vascular diseases.
- The VASCERN app currently includes datasets from:
- 31 Expert centers within our HCP Full Members (blue cards) including: 5 from Belgium, 1 from Denmark, 2 from Finland, 4 from France, 3 from Germany, 1 from Hungary, 1 from Ireland, 5 from Italy, 2 from Sweden and 7 from The Netherlands.
- 7 Affiliated Partners (blue cards) including: 2 from Austria, 1 from Cyprus, 1 from Luxembourg, 1 from Malta, 1 from Slovenia and 1 from Spain.
- 32 Referral Centers (green cards) including: 3 from Belgium, 22 from France, 2 from Italy and 5 from The Netherlands.
- 72 Patient Organisations (orange cards) including: 3 from Austria, 4 from Belgium, 5 from Denmark, 4 from Finland, 7 from France, 7 from Germany, 2 from Ireland, 9 from Italy, 3 from Norway, 1 from Poland, 1 from Portugal, 1 from Slovakia, 4 from Spain, 4 from Sweden, 2 from Switzerland, 8 from The Netherlands and 6 from UK.