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VASCERN webinar: Diagnostic and Management Pathway for Severe and/or Rare Infantile Hemangiomas


VASCERN will hold a webinar on Tuesday November 23rd, 2021 from 5pm to 6pm (CET) entitled: Diagnostic and Management Pathway for Severe and/or Rare Infantile Hemangiomas with Dr. Andrea DIOCIAIUTI,  VASCA WG member and dermatologist from Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital, I.R.C.C.S, in Rome, Italy.

This will be the the first of a series of four webinars exploring the Patient (Diagnostic and Management) Pathways created by the Vascular Anomalies Working Group (VASCA WG).

This webinar, that will consist of a scientific presentation followed by a question and answer session, will be primarily directed towards physicians who would like to learn more about these pathways in order to improve their knowledge on these rare vascular anomalies – but all interested participants are welcome to attend!

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