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10th International Lymphoedema Framework Conference (ILF 2021)


The 10th International Lymphoedema Framework Conference (ILF 2021) will take place in-person from 18 – 20 November 2021 in Copenhagen, Denmark. Online participation will also be possible.

Several VASCERN members will be in attendance including Dr. Robert Damstra (Pediatric and Primary Lymphedema (PPL) WG Chair) and Prof. Miikka Vikkula (Vascular Anomalies (VASCA) WG Chair).

A special Patient Day will also take place on November 20th 2021! Pernille Henriksen, ePAG Co-Chair for PPL WG, will be present at this event and will give a presentation entitled Infections; the experiences, the fear and the solutions from a patient point of view for the patient day.

See the preliminary programme here.

To register, and for all information, go to the conference website here

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