

Home - CADASIL Data Set


The Neurovascular Diseases working group (NEUROVASC-WG) has carefully selected the basic data to be specified for the grouping of cohorts of patients affected by CADASIL.

The choice of the corresponding specific items and their structure have been carefully selected so that they can be integrated into any new patient database within the VASCERN network, a European Reference Network established to gather expertise in Europe to provide accessible cross-border healthcare to patients with rare VAScular diseases across the continent.

These formatted items have been very carefully selected, in particular their format and structure, so that the information they contain can be widely shared in the future and fulfil all the principles of FAIR data (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable).

If you choose to use this type of information to share data according to this format, we ask that you include this statement in all publications or presentation(s): “Items used for sharing data across CADASIL cohorts have been chosen by the NEUROVASC working group of VASCERN (”.

Complete the form below and you will be allowed to download the file containing the data items.

Thank you in advance for your attention to the collective effort we have initiated.


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